Monday, February 13, 2012

The reasons for the lack of an erection

The most elementary reason is that every man from time to time there are misfires. Anxiety, general fatigue, chills, a scandal with his partner and other stresses may negate the most Herculean efforts to cause an erection. Doctors do not consider such failure impotence, if they are irregular.

Alcohol and marijuana, along with sedatives, tranquilizers, antidepressants and other drugs that affect the brain (antihistamines, anticonvulsants, and antiemetics) may also lead to temporary loss of erectile capacity. Stopping restores potency, and the transition to a different class of similar drugs, and sometimes it helps to maintain potency and to continue treatment.

Circulatory failure. If sufficient blood flow penis increases slowly or not growing at all. The deposits on the walls of blood vessels of cholesterol-lowering blood flow to the heart, can do the same thing with a penis, impotence, along with manifestations of coronary artery disease increase with age. Atherosclerosis is a leading American disease, in most cases is a cause of impotence.

Along with the prevention of atherosclerosis and dramatically reduces the risk. If the person still suffer the problem, I would recommend him to this diet as a general measure of health maintenance, but not a quick way to restore erections. For this purpose, may need some artificial means, described below, although the X-ray examinations in some cases reveal a local blockade of the arteries of penis, which can be removed surgically.

Any violation of the central nervous system - from a brain tumor to the vertebral disc displacement - can disrupt sexual "function, although the ability to get an erection persists for many people with fairly serious injuries.

Diabetics usually blame the high blood sugar, but actually cause damage to the peripheral nerves - it's bad long-term study of the effects of diabetes, occurring in 50% of cases. Severe vitamin deficiencies also lead to impotence, but American doctors rarely have to deal with it. Surgeons generally have learned to avoid damage to the nerves of the penis during operations on the bladder, prostate and rectum, but some risk remains.

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