Thursday, March 7, 2013

What Is Constipation

Constipation is delayed or incomplete evacuation of the intestinal wastes (wastes from food, bile from liver, and waste taken out of the blood by the tissues of the intestine). In constipation the quantity of the wastes is reduced, so that wastes tend to accumulate in the lower bowel and remain there through a prolonged period. Generally, the fees (solid wastes, or stools,) are abnormally dry and hard in the constipated individual.
Most doctors agree that a person may be said to be constipated if the bowels move less frequently than once every 48 hours; the average, healthy individual, however should have a good movement daily. Of course, it is possible for a person to have several bowel movements a day and still be constipated - if only a very little waster is evacuated each time.
Constipation is not a disease. Constipation is a symptom rather than a disease, a symptom of some disorder or, in many cases, of some disease (which may or may not be serious). Statistics show that about 85 out of every 100 cases of constipation are caused by faulty living; in the other 15 per cent of cases, it is a symptom of disease (chronic appendicitis, gallbladder disease, some obstruction of the intestine, tumour growths, haemorrhoids, or piles).
The Causes Of Constipation
Constipation may result from one of a variety of causes but most often from faulty living: bad habits, faulty nutrition, drinking too little water, overwork, over worry, lack of exercise, laziness, neglecting the calls of nature, use of laxatives, excessive smoking, drinking too much coffee overindulgence, lack of sleep, irregular mode of living, habitual use of sleeping pills. But it must again be pointed out that, although most cases of constipation are caused by faulty living, at least some cases result from disease. This fact cannot be overemphasized. Many lives have been lost because of failure to seek good medical advice after the symptom (constipation) showed up.