Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is plyometric training?

Plyometric training is a mechanical shock stimulation forcing the muscle to produce as much tension as possible. This method is characterized by impulsive actions minimal duration (lasting period) between the end of the eccentric braking phase and initiation of the concentric acceleration phase. The maximum amount of time it takes the athlete to perform the transition phase of the plyometric (time between eccentric and concentric) should be no longer then 0.15 seconds. If the movement takes too long it redefines itself as an ordinary jumping movement rather then a classical plyometric. In the early 1960's Dr. Verkhoshansky used a method of training called shock training. Many Western coaches believed that this was the Russian training secret to their dominance. In many Eastern nations they still call it shock training rather than plyometrics, an adoption of the method Verkhoshansky developed. The reason they favor the phrase shock training rather then plyometrics is to recognise the difference between plyometric action and plyometric training. Plyometric Action takes place in every day life, involving running, jumping, striking and other forms of rebounding movements. In many literature texts today plyometrics are referred to as power metrics.
Many people believe the hype that ballistic movements are risky, which are mostly forms of Western content that try to support it. Most of the texts that do try to show how ballistic type movements, in this instance plyometric training, has dangerous side effects are unproven. Their is no way to actually separate the effects of plyometrics, as that of other sports which have the ability to compare overall intensity, duration and complication of loads. Also, to believe that plyometric actions are safe but plyometric training isn't can only cause some all right laughs among sports scientist. In reality joints subjected to heavy impacts, such as plyometric training, are relatively free-born from osteoarthritis in old age and those subjected to much lower loads experience a greater incidence of osteoarthritis and cartilage destruction.

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