Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Human growth hormone for building muscle

Human growth hormone was initially designed in the 1920s to help children who had stunted growth. The pituitary glands of cadavers were ground up and injected into these children, which led to standard growth. It has since evolved into a material used for losing weight, slowing the aging process and mostly for building muscle.
Normally, HGH rises in humans into the mid-20s, then begins to fall, reaching about one-fifth of its peak value in the 70s.
An insulin tolerance test, ITT, performed by a doctor can measure whether grown up patients are suffering from a deficiency of HGH production. For patients who cannot stand for an ITT, an Arginine + GHRH test may be used. A baseline blood level of IGF-1 should also be performed.
According to the Human Growth Substructure, an estimated 15,000 children suffer in one configuration or another from a human growth hormone deficiency. Growth hormones are part of the human endocrine system, or the organization governing hormones. The chief operator of the endocrine system is the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland controls releases of growth hormones, which awaken cell reproduction. There are two main types, being sum total and partial. In a total deficiency there is no growth hormones created. In a partial deficiency, there are few hormones being secreted by the pituitary gland. A deformity in the pituitary gland will indubitably be a culprit in these types of deficiencies. According to the Human Growth Basis, hypopituitarism may be the leading cause in most deformities. Hypopituitarism occurs when a tumor, benign or malignant, presses on the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland, resulting in a sort of malfunction of the gland's everyday tasks.

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