For the first time thanks to high efficiency, naturalness of his action and a minimum number of side effects have been successfully tested OZKZH people with erectile dysfunction against the backdrop of the regular admission of the drug. It seems that the positive effects of health drug Viagra on the quality of life of men, it was so obvious that these studies are not among the priorities. The founder of modern sexology William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson were among the first to establish a link between the presence of ED disorders and psychological spheres, and proved mechanism for psychological disorders and ED. They said that the case is not in the non "Freudian" view of sexuality and its impact on all human behavior, but rather an exceptional biological importance of sexual function, that the evolutionary put it on top of the significance of the place. In addition, they had suggested that all options for the scope of sexual disorders in men, namely the reduction of libido, a violation of excitation, disorder and quality of erection of orgasm, it is a violation of erection is the most traumatic psychological factor (up to the suicide attempts).
A prerequisite for the study OZKZH in patients with ED taking the drug Viagra, have accumulated a large quantity of evidence about the credibility of lowering the quality of life of patients suffering from violations of erectile function. In a large number of studies OZKZH in groups of men with ED, unlike standardized by race, age, concomitant diseases, etc. Groups of comparison, was found credible reduction in the number of points in such settings OZKZH as general health, vitality, and (which is legitimate) mental health. The study included sixteen men aged 48 to 72 years (average age 54 years). Previously, none of these patients are not treated at the ED.
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