Modern culture is actively cultivates the image of the male macho and sex giant, which «may» literally forever. But let's see the truth: Macho - the same people, and nothing human is alien to him did not. Even the most «iron» and strong-willed man is not immune from erectile dysfunction. Why? Because erection - is a delicate and complicated process, which depends on a combination of many psychological and physiological factors.
The process of erection is as follows: as a result of sexual initiation of the so-called cavernous and sponge the body of the penis filled with blood. These represent a body like an increase of vessels, to be exact - vascular network. Filled with blood, they have increased and become elastic, which results in the results. But the initial impetus to the emergence of erection comes from the brain. The reasons for erectile dysfunction may well lie in the fields of psychology, and in the field of physiology.
Problems with erection may occur against a background of fatigue, not getting enough sleep or, say, the conflict with a partner - but in this case, Recreation and frank conversation quickly remedy the situation. Just another question - if a problem with erection become permanent. In such a case, you must thoroughly check the health, it erectile dysfunction - this is just one manifestation and a consequence of diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, chronic protestations, etc.
And, of course, in addition to the treatment of major diseases, which could lead to a breach of erection, modern medicine has an extensive arsenal of tools that solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. Already a long-practiced methods such as injecting drugs, which are imposed syringe into the body of the penis, or suppositories for the introduction of urethra. Currently, these techniques therapy erectile dysfunction are considered obsolete and often unsafe. Today, their place was taken by drugs group inhibitors phosphorescence's 5-type. Products in this group provide a relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of arteries, thus increasing the inflow of blood to tissues of the penis, and a man can achieve erection sufficient for full sexual intercourse. And it is important to remember that it is not necessary to postpone the visit to the doctor, because only a good specialist can recommend the correct treatment and a healthy drug.
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