So, «Viagra» is intended to apply to people suffering from erectile dysfunction of different origins - whether the defeat of vessels or nerves of the penis. An exception may be only a rough fibrosis cavernous bodies of the penis because in this case, the inflow of blood to the penis is not likely to cause patient improved and the so-called «pathological venous drainage cavernous bodies», which resulted in the outflow of blood from the penis too selenium, which makes it impossible to its erection.
Take «Viagra» is very simple. All you have to do is take a pill about an hour before sexual activity. After about 30-60 minutes begins operation «Viagra» and lasts for four hours. But the effect of «Viagra» will start only in response to sexual stimulation.
It is best to take «Viagra» to eat, because in that case it would act quickly. If you accept «Viagra» after meals, especially if you were eating fatty food, your body will need more time to assimilate the drug and it will be operational later.
Step «Viagra» is that you need to take it only when you want to commit a sexual act. «Viagra» should not take more than once a day.
You know it is important that the product «Viagra» is not a stimulant, and, therefore, simply receiving the pill without sexual stimulation does not cause you erection.If required, only the physicians to prescribe viagra because only healthy drugs, which are not harmful to humans.
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