Men can not take food with vinegar, it dries sexual potency. Better replace it with apple vinegar, but also within reasonable limits.
Eat cinnamon - it improves the physical and sexual potency.
Men are good for meat and carrots with butter.
Do not forget the celery.
Dishes increase sexual potency.
Celery root grated large, add lemon juice, sugar, salt, mayonnaise to taste. Place in cap. Decorate with celery leaves, green salad, slices of lemon.
Do not forget the baked potatoes. There are many minerals, it is easily digested, gives a man a lot of energy.
1 table. l. ground coffee, mix with 1 teaspoon. dried leaves of magnolia vine. 1 fill the glass of hot water and slowly slowly, bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, let stand 5 minutes. Strain and sweeten slightly.
60 of 30 cinnamon and vanilla fill the city of 1 glass of good red wine and let stand for 2 weeks. Cinnamon is not only a direct impact on the desire, but also strengthens the heart.
1 teaspoon. ginger fill the 0.5 liter. water and boil for 10 minutes, add 1 table. l. honey. Leisurely drink in small sips.
If the penis appeared wet anthrax.
100 g dried dill, burn and ash powder anthrax.
With swelling of the testicles.
50 g of peas to put in 0.5 liters. beer. After 1 hour to put on a slow fire, boil 15 minutes. Cool, wet a clean cloth and apply as a compress.
When eggs are firm
10 city tops headache insist in 100 g of vodka in tech. 7 days in a warm and dark place. Strain and take 10 drops 4 times a day for 1 hour before meals for 7 days.
The increase of the penis.
100 g of dry river or swamp leeches grind into powder to fill 200 of the hot mutton fat, mix well. Wool with a cloth to rub the night in the penis.
100 g dry earthworms (preferably in May), grind into powder and filled with 200 g of hot mutton fat. Good mix. Wool with a cloth to rub the night in the penis.
Super erection
Catch 20 May June dung beetles, fill them with water in a circle, and within 30 minutes of warming. To stand until water is cool. Drink 2 - 3 drops to a glass of water.
It was a very strong tide of blood to the genitals.
The main thing to remember, to avoid health problems need time to see a doctor, who will pick up your good health drugs.
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