The invention of Viagra in his time was a real breakthrough in science and, more importantly, helped establish intimate lives of many unhappy couples. In addition, have been found, and other miraculous effects of drugs: most recently, for example, scientists have found that the admission of the drug helps not only in intimate affairs, but also in sporting achievements. Earlier, it was found that male pill can cope with heart problems.
But over time this means is more and more side effects. As it turned out, his reception might disrupt sleep, which, alas, not only through direct effects on who will receive Viagra. Total single dose of the drug could significantly worsen insomnia and even lead to tragic consequences.
Hindering access of oxygen to vital parts of the body, which could entail complications of various illnesses or even death.
Apne occurs in men more often than women; satellites that sleep disorders are snoring and insomnia. It manifests itself in a sudden stop breathing for 10 seconds or more. In addition, doctors believed that the violation is making its negative contribution to the emergence of erectile dysfunction.
A Brazilian scientists experiment involved 14 men with both erectile dysfunction and insomnia. Some of them took 50-ml dose of Viagra and other parts of researchers presented a placebo - "empty", outwardly indistinguishable from the original drug. After receiving medication for men while they sleep take various tests, including measured the level of oxygen in the blood.
The results of the experiment showed that single dose of Viagra significantly reduced level of oxygen in the body sleeping man. In addition, men have taken the drug, was more restless sleep: researchers have recorded many more stops breathing during the night.
However, research scientists from the University of Sao Paulo say that this is only preliminary data, and the experiment was conducted with a small number of participants. In order to say for sure about the side effects of the famous medicine, you need to hold new experiments. However, to date precisely known, that the additional effect on the organism can cause headaches and a runny nose.In order not to harm their health, the application should be interesting to learn more about your product, because it should take only healthy drugs.
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