Well-known impotency drug Viagra can to mitigate the effects of stress on the heart, scientists have found.
It turned out that popular among the millions of men half the drug slows the growth of forces reduction in heart muscle.
Scientists Johns Hopkins University described the braking effect of Viagra.
However, British experts caution men with cardiovascular disease on the need to consult a doctor before taking the medicine.
Viagra, also known as sildenafil, is designed for men who have problems with erection. Medicine is expanding genital blood vessels and thereby maintains erection.
Scientists have found that Viagra is able to block the short-term effects of hormonal stress the heart muscle in mice. However, it was assumed that medicine has no direct impact on the human heart.
In the experiments were involved 35 men and women whose average age was 30 years old and that in the past have not suffered from cardiovascular disease.
All of them had been shot chemical dobutamine, similar to adrenaline, which increases the pulse and force reductions in heart muscle. Approximately the same response occurs with emotional stress, physical exercise and with heart failure.
Then, of subjects given 100 ml of Viagra and others - a placebo. Then he made another injection. The functions of the heart were measured before and after each shot.
After the first injection of dobutamine, the force heart rate increased by 150% in both groups.
In the Group, taking a placebo, a similar reaction occurred after the second injection.
But the participants of experiments, which was issued by Viagra, increased heartbeat slowed to 50%, as a result of blood pressure caused by chemical stimulation, increased slightly.
Side effects of Viagra were observed.
Viagra helps maintain the erection in men by blocking the enzyme action, which relaxes vessels in the penis.In order not to harm their health, the application should be interesting to learn more about your product, because it should take only healthy drugs.
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