Nervous system connects all the organs of the body of one indivisible whole. Our brain every minute of coming into contact with the nervous system, on which all our movements and sensations.
Nervous system in its structure is organized by region, and each impression received from the outside, recorded through the nervous system in the brain.
Sexual neurasthenia understand the form of nervous weakness, which is found in violation of sexual coupling, caused by the defeat of sexual characteristics. It is possible, of course, and other diseases.
Diseases arising from masturbation, so the variety that a list of them and clear amount goes beyond this work, but, considering the need to teach each doctor could deal although information about these diseases, I will highlight a few words to them.Three types of neurasthenia record at the attention of a well-known psychiatrist kraft Ebbing.
1. Local neurosis, which is reflected in frequent pollution and early ejaculation.
2. Lumbar neurosis, accompanied by neuralgia lumbar-sacral nerve plexus and frequent day and night emission, with a sharp reduction in the will.
3. The increase in neurotic symptoms. This phenomenon is to such an extent affect the cerebration's system, causing sexual abnormalities, such as temporary aspermatizm (lack of provision of seed), in which sperm is not out there,ejaculation and other species.
Excessive masturbation are often cerebral neurasthenia.Masturbation involved in lengthy intellectuals, are often cerebral neurasthenia and cerebral weakness, and, conversely,which made physical labor, are more likely disease spinal cord.
Lost sensory
Outwardly eyes men's who masturbate not trace lost in all respects: normal pupils, visual acuity, stress and a sense of light, optic nerve and retina in the order, but nonetheless eyes so afraid of light that gradually all eye function declines, Apple gets kind of a matte copies, and in patients with vertigo starts.
The cause of the disorder must be found in the brain, as the optic nerve, eye doctors to conclude, no defeats. The main thing to remember, to avoid health problems need time to see a doctor, who will pick up your good health drugs.
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