Becomes the art of masturbation, if the pleasure caused by it, other than the already tested erotic feelings. If not, then it becomes an imitation, substitution. The objective will be achieved if to make it every time for a fresh, frequently and intensively. Masturbation the purpose of dating - this phenomenon, and masturbation because of love - this is a cultural phenomenon. Art and love are connected in masturbation to bring them more personal, comprehensive, long, bold, intelligent, deep and beautiful sense, is fundamentally different from those on which is written in books. People are content not experience the past - they create a culture. Thu only culture that they can enrich, expand, try to understand ... In short, they can win the minds of a similar.
Masturbation can share their experiences just by words. And since elocution - an extremely rare gift, the success would not have it. The main thing to remember, to avoid health problems need time to see a doctor, who will pick up your good health drugs.
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