Viagra is by far the most recognizable brand name and for the drug sildenafil citrate. It is produced and marketed by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and is also sold under the name Ravatio and Caverta in certain locations throughout the world. Viagra is produced for one reason and one reason only, to treat erectile dysfunction, or as it's more commonly known, erectile dysfunction. It comes in the form of a blue pill in 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg dosages. Although it is available only by way of a doctor’s prescription, you can actually buy Viagra on the Internet if you so choose.
The narcotize Viagra wasn't even intended to treat what is so greatly known for now, in the beginning. It Was designed in the 1990s with the for the purpose of treating a fabric of heart disease known as angina pectoris.
It didn't idle for the purpose it was intended, however, researchers of the drug noticed an absorbing side effect of the drug at those who are testing it. It consistently induced erections. They had a gold treasury on their hands and they knew it. It was then patented in 1996 with the ambition of development as a treatment for ED. By 1998 it had passed the necessary tests for FDA accept, and was released to the public where it was received with open arms and unbarred legs.
Erectile dysfunction is a very common disorder in men, and is brought about by any number of factors. Some of the most common causes behind ED are psychological in origin, and some are equally based on physical abnormalities. The vast majority of men will find that they will have some difficulty getting or maintaining an erection at at one time or another, even though they may be perfectly healthy.

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