We've talked about the length of the penis in its ordinary non-erect state, but how long should it be when it's erect?
Interestingly, most penises are very much the same size when erect.
- The man whose non-erect penis is smallish will usually achieve about a 100 per cent increase in length during sexual excitement.
- The man whose non-erect penis is on the largish size will probably manage about a 75 per cent increase.
- This means the great majority of penises measure between 15cm and 18cm (6-7 inches) when erect, with the average figure being about 16.5cm (6.5 inches).
Sex and women
Virtually every man forgets that it doesn't matter how long or how short your penis is, because the vagina will accommodate itself to any length.
- The vagina of a woman who hasn't had a child is only 7.5cm (3 inches) long when she's not sexually excited. The figures for women who have had babies are only slightly different.
- Even when aroused, a woman's vagina usually extends only to a length of about 10cm (4 inches).
You're probably now wondering how the average man with an erection of six inches manages to insert his penis into the vagina at all.
The vagina has the most remarkable capacity for lengthening if something is introduced into it gradually.
So the exceptional man whose erect penis is eight inches long can still make love to any woman, providing he excites her properly and introduces his organ very slowly. If he does this, her vagina will lengthen by 150 or 200 per cent to accommodate him.
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