The magic blue pill - Viagra, has been a huge breakthrough for the love life of many men. Many drugs that provide a major curative effect like this require a doctor's prescription. Sooner or later, however, they seek a larger market by releasing a version that does not.
The question is whether this will ever occur with Viagra?
1998 was a huge year in erectile dysfunction treatments. It was the year Viagra came onto the market and millions of men got back into the game as they say. Pfizer, the company behind the amazing blue pill, was about as flush as a company can be. Then things started to change a bit as one would expect in a capitalistic society. Other companies started coming out with similar products. Before you know it, it was impossible to watch any television show that would remotely cater to a male audience without seeing a few dozen commercials promoting erectile dysfunction pills of one sort or another. Viagra revolutionized the field of erectile dysfunction by providing a magic little blue pill that could resolve the problem for a few hours and allow men to enjoy intimacy once again. Talk about some scientists that should have received the noble prize! Regardless, Viagra is still a pharmaceutical and comes with some risks. One is the negative health impact it can have when a person is taking nitrates.