It is estimated that approximately 40% of women suffer from sexual dysfunction.
Neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis can cause an inability to have an orgasm because the nerve supply to the genitals is interrupted. Endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, lupus, thyroid dysfunction, as well as testosterone deficiency (caused by the removal of ovaries and adrenals in some breast cancers) can also cause orgasm dysfunction. In addition, severe high blood pressure, liver disorders, excess anxiety, menopause and depression are also conditions that may be associated with a diminished ability to achieve orgasms. Medications can be blamed such as blood pressure medications, birth control pills, contraceptive devices, sedatives and many anti-depressants. Infections and irritations in the vaginal area are other possible causes. Pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding, due to hormonal and physical changes, may also cause decreased sexual drive.
According to a practicing clinical psychologist Dr Josi Salem, the most frequent conditions that are associated with female sexual dysfunction that she sees in her practice are anxiety and unhappiness in a relationship, followed by depression and medications.
Cure in a pill:
Identifying the cause is an extremely crucial step! If menopause is the reason, hormonal replacement therapy may be recommended only on a case by case basis; for postmenopausal women who suffer from vaginal dryness, estrogen creams may be beneficial. For breastfeeding, pregnant and post-partum mamas, knowing that this is a normal reaction and communication with your spouse may ease concerns.
However, is there a magic pill for females comparable to Viagra for men? The answer is not yet! Medications like Viagra arouse by increasing blood flow to the genitalia, which help millions of men achieve an erection. According to the Erectile Dysfunction Institute, 90 per cent of erectile dysfunction cases are due to physical causes. On the other hand, the most common sexual complaint for women is the lack of desire, which may be difficult to treat and may involve a more psychological component. According to Womens-Health.co.uk, 20 per cent of sexual disorders in females are due to lubrication problems; Viagra like-drugs may prove helpful to this cohort of women since these drugs increase blood flow to the genitals. However, these medications may not help those women who are uninterested in sex.
Since, sexual dysfunction in women is a complex problem, with many different causes; a multi-faceted approach must be used in treating female sexual problems which means what works for one woman may not work for another.
- Some men do find that premature ejaculation begins at the onset of sexual maturity but plenty of men also find it to be an issue later in life. In fact, premature ejaculation affects 30% of men at sometime in their life. Although premature ejaculation can affect men of all ages, it can often be treated by a specialized physician.
- Often, early ejaculation in men who are in their 30’s or older is a co-symptom of erectile dysfunction or fatigue, poor cardiovascular conditioning, depression, anxiety or neurological symptoms. In older, mature men it can sometimes be secondary to prostate.
- Sex is an important aspect of physical and emotional health and well-being for adults of all ages, even those in their golden years.
- While some people believe that a decrease in libido is a natural part of aging, a loss of sexual desire can be related to a number of other factors including hormone deficiencies, depression, anxiety disorders, side effects of medication, changes to a relationship, communication barriers or loss of a spouse or partner.
Women taking non-oral and oral hormonal contraceptives were at highest risk of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD), according to a study of female German medical students published today in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Interestingly, women taking non-hormonal contraceptives were at lowest risk for FSD, more than women not using any contraceptive.
Lets come on the basics of female orgasm:
1. A woman should be completely relaxed and feel loved to have a volcanic orgasm.
2. Sexual Tension should always be present.
3. Relax her by giving massage or having bath together.
4. Add anticipation in order to make her more arouse.
5. Use several thrusting styles.
6. Perfect your oral expertise.
You can build up anticipation in several ways before you go for oral. Softly press her boobs, rubs her thighs so softly with your finger tips, take her in your lap and softly press and warm her feet, suck her ear lobes while whispering and talking dirty to her, Give her compliment on her body parts but please stay specific while giving compliments. For instance, I love your curves baby, you got stormy eyes, and your body is like thunder. Give her small real compliments, make her feel special and she will love you for it.
Powerful anticipation release the sexual tension inform of earth shattering orgasm. You can make her more arouse by giving her oral. Before jumping on her vagina, kiss her inner thighs, under her belly button, kiss her knees while pressing her calves softly, kiss her feet, love and lick her vagina and clitoris while rubbing outside of her thighs(this will drive her crazy).
Erectile dysfunction is characterized by the regular or repeated inability to obtain or maintain an erection. There are several ways that erectile dysfunction is analyzed:
- Obtaining full erections at some times, such as when asleep (when the mind and psychological issues, if any, are less present), tends to suggest the physical structures are functionally working. However, the opposite case, a "lack" of nocturnal erections, does not imply the opposite, since a significant proportion of sexually functional men do not routinely get nocturnal erections or wet dreams.
- Obtaining erections which are either not rigid or full ("lazy erection"), or are lost more rapidly than would be expected (often before or during penetration), can be a sign of a failure of the mechanism which keeps blood held in the penis, and may signify an underlying clinical condition, often cardiovascular in origin.
- Other factors leading to erectile dysfunction are diabetes mellitus (causing neuropathy) or hypogonadism (decreased testosterone levels due to disease affecting the testicles or the pituitary gland).
A few causes of impotence may be androgenic (medically caused). Various anti hypertensives (medications intended to control high blood pressure) and some drugs that modify central nervous system response may inhibit erection by denying blood supply or by altering nerve activity.
Surgical intervention for a number of different conditions may remove anatomical structures necessary to erection, damage nerves, or impair blood supply. Complete removal of the prostate gland or external beam radiotherapy of the gland are common causes of impotence, both are treatments for prostate cancer. Some studies have shown that male circumcision may result in an increased risk of impotence, while others have found no such effect, and another found the opposite.